Sep 28, 2022
Scott Family LETS Basketball Camp

Summer camp often ends up being the source of the best childhood memories. And when that summer camp also includes their favorite sport, that experience could be the thing that takes their love of that sport up a whole new level. Events like the LETS Basketball Camp are so crucial for kids. This year, Cleveland Ford had the privilege of being a sponsor for the LETS Scott Family Basketball Camp and helping to further their mission of giving back to the community and helping young men and women to learn and develop on the court. 

After being on hold for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the LETS Basketball Camp kicked off on July 19th and ran until the 22nd at the Bradley Central High School. The camp saw over 260 boys and girls ages 8 to 15 attend this year for absolutely no cost to the families. This fact alone sets the LETS Camp apart from other summer camps.

LETS or Life Education Through Sports is an alternative education and development non-profit organization founded by Retired Phoenix Suns Legend Alvin Scott and the Scott Family. The Scotts have deep roots in the South-East Tennessee and Cleveland-Bradley County area, having been born and raised in Cleveland. 

Our sponsorship of the 2022 LETS Scott Family Basketball Camp directly supported the camp, which we are proud to have been a part of. Here’s hoping we can be a part of next year’s Basketball Camp and continue supporting the youth of the Cleveland-Bradley County and South-East Tennessee areas! To learn more about the Scott Family and the LETS Basketball Camp, visit their website! Thank you for being a constant stream of positive support for Tennessee.